

virtual talking circles.

Various topics that focus on the Black experience in America, provide a bridge to parts of our lives that we don’t often address with each other as a collective.

These spaces are created with an agreement from all participants to maintain anonymity, show respect for all opinions, and support open dialogue through hearing and seeing each other. The sessions are led as heart centered and encourage intellectual passion, and always contain a fun way to learn more about your fellow “circle mates”.

An example of topics that may be covered: The Black family, US policy, wellness, our culture, relationships, work place trauma and more.

The circles increase our sense of connectedness, widen our social networks and plant seeds of change for the future.

Talking circles are specifically for the Black community, and are available by invitation only. If you identify as Black, and would like to receive notifications - please sign up below.


Tell Your Story - Write.

We all have a story, an experience, an example of what being Black in America means. Allow your voice become the inspiration to another. Allow your story to be a mirror, and your experience provide courage to your community.